Teve Rajamets

Tanel Tenson, professor of antimicrobial technologies

We study the mechanisms of action of antibiotics and the molecular bases of antibiotic resistance. One of the main areas of research is protein synthesis inhibitors, particularly macrolides.

Another direction is the investigation of bacterial phenotypic differentiation. Differentiation is not unique to spore-forming microbes: all bacterial cultures contain cells with different phenotypes. Our goal is to characterize bacterial phenotypic differences and identify the molecular mechanisms underlying them.

Bacterial differentiation is associated with significant differences in antibiotic tolerance: some cells are capable of tolerating very high drug concentrations. These bacteria are called persisters and are important causes of chronic, treatment-resistant infections. The formation of persisters is significantly influenced by bacterial toxin-antitoxin systems, which is one of our research topics.

A third direction is the ecology of antibiotic resistance spread. Antibiotic resistance is not only a problem related to human treatment. Antibiotics are also used in animal husbandry and in pets. Therefore, to understand the development and spread of resistance, we need to consider animals and the surrounding environment.

We also coordinate studies on antibiotic resistance in Estonia.

Publications: list of our publications.


Tanel Tenson, Professor of Antimicrobial Agents Technology, PhD (molecular biology)

Associate Professors:

Niilo Kaldalu (

Ülo Maiväli (

Denis Kaynov (


Toomas Mets (

Ph.D. students:

Mariliis Hinnu

Ivana Kerkez

Krõõt Arbo

Ismail Sarigül

Minhal Abdullah

Laboratory specialist:

Jelena Kiprovskaja (


Uurime antibiootikumide toimemehhanisme ja antibiootikumiresistentsuse molekulaarseid aluseid. Üheks põhiliseks uurimisvaldkonnaks on valgusünteesi inhibiitorid, eelkõige makroliidid.

Teiseks suunaks on bakterite fenotüübilise diferentseerumise uurimine.  Diferentseerumine pole omane ainult spoore moodustavatele mikroobidele: kõik bakterikultuurid sisaldavad erineva fenotüübiga rakke. Meie eesmärgiks on bakterite fenotüübiliste erinevuste iseloomustamine ja seda põhjustavate molekulaarsete mehhanismide väljaselgitamine.

Bakterite diferentseerumisega on seotud suured erinevused nende antibiootikumitaluvuses: osa rakke on võimelised taluma väga suuri ravimi kontsentratsioone. Selliseid baktereid nimetatakse persistoriteks ja nad on olulised krooniliste, ravile allumatute nakkuste põhjustajad. Persistorite tekkimises mängivad olulist rolli bakterite toksiini-antitoksiini süsteemid, mis on üks meie uurimisteemasid.

Kolmandaks suunaks on antibiootikumiresistentsuse leviku ökoloogia. Antibiootikumiresistentsus ei ole ainult inimeste ravimisega seotud probleem. Antibiootikume kasutatakse ka loomakasvatuses ja lemmikloomadel. Seega peame resistentsuse tekke ja leviku mõistmiseks võtma vaatluse alla ka loomad ning meid ümbritseva keskkonna.

Meie koordineerida on ka antibiootikumiresistentsuse alased uuringud Eestis.


Siin on meie publikatsioonide nimekiri.



Doctoral defence: Chung-Yueh Yeh "Characterization of MPK and HT1 kinases in CO2-induced stomatal movements"

On 17 May at 14:15, Chung-Yueh Yeh will defend his doctoral thesis "Characterization of MPK and HT1 kinases in CO2-induced stomatal movements".

Doctoral defence: Mariliis Hinnu "In Vitro Methods for Studying the Mechanisms of Ribosome-Targeting Antibiotics"

On 13 May at 14:15, Mariliis Hinnu will defend her doctoral thesis "In Vitro Methods for Studying the Mechanisms of Ribosome-Targeting Antibiotics".

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